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Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz
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Oskar Dudycz
Are you looking for practical knowledge about software architecture?
Guide to Projections and Read Models in Event-Driven Architecture
How to validate business logic
Let's build event store in one hour!
Don't be like Ebenezer Scrooge. A few words about workaholism
Explicit events serialisation in Event Sourcing
The magic is that there is no magic. Or how to understand design patterns.
Share your story on Event Sourcing Live 2023
Testing asynchronous processes with a little help from .NET Channels
Mapping event type by convention
How to get all messages through Postgres logical replication
How events can help in making the state-based approach efficient
Never Lose Data Again - Event Sourcing to the Rescue!
How Postgres sequences issues can impact your messaging guarantees
Writing and testing business logic in F#
Push-based Outbox Pattern with Postgres Logical Replication
Testing business logic in Event Sourcing, and beyond!
Dive a bit deeper, look a bit wider
On the importance of setting boundaries in team management
It doesn't have to be toxic at work
Event Versioning with Marten
Slim your aggregates with Event Sourcing!
How playing on guitar can help you to be a better developer?
What do the British writer and his fence have to do with Software Architecture?
Why are we afraid of our decisions?
Straightforward Event Sourcing with TypeScript and NodeJS
Union types in C#
How to effectively compose your business logic
Event-driven distributed processes by example
Is keeping dates in UTC really the best solution?
Should you generate the client code from the API?
Unobvious things you need to know about key-value stores
Ogooreck, a sneaky testing library in BDD style
Should you throw an exception when rebuilding the state from events?
Why I'm leaving Event Store and getting ready for the next episode
Power of ignorance, or how to write simple code
What onion has to do with Clean Code?
A few tricks on how to set up related Docker images with docker-compose
Persistent vs catch-up, EventStoreDB subscriptions in action
How to build a simple event pipeline
Are Temporal Tables an alternative to Event Sourcing?
Agile vs Introverts
The risk of ignoring risks
Twelve things I learned about Java during my last code review
Small rant about the Software Design
Introduction to Event Sourcing - Self Paced Kit
How to ensure uniqueness in Event Sourcing
“I'm not interested in politics” is not actual anymore
15 tips on how to run meetings effectively
Immutable Value Objects are simpler and more useful than you think!
How to quickly scale a legacy monolith?
I tested it on production and I'm not ashamed of it
A simple trick for idempotency handling in the Elastic Search read model
Using strongly-typed identifiers with Marten
Should a programmer's creativity be shown in code formatting?
No, it can never happen!
Integrating Marten with other systems
How to do snapshots in Marten?
CQRS is simpler than you think with .NET 6 and C# 10
Simple patterns for events schema versioning
Event Streaming is not Event Sourcing!
How to register all CQRS handlers by convention
Long-polling, how to make our async API synchronous
Dealing with Eventual Consistency and Idempotency in MongoDB projections
How to use ETag header for optimistic concurrency
Tell, don't ask! Or, how to keep an eye on boiling milk
What does Mr Bean opening the car have to do with programming?
What does a construction failure have to do with our authorities?
Let's talk about positions in event stores
How to build event-driven projections with Entity Framework
10 notes on the 10th blogging anniversary
Anti-patterns in event modelling - State Obsession
How to slice the codebase effectively?
Will it scale... down?
Computer says no! Why we might have an issue with Artificial Intelligence soon
Anti-patterns in event modelling - Property Sourcing
How to build and push Docker image with GitHub actions?
How to build an optimal Docker image for your application?
Notes about C# records and Nullable Reference Types
In what language are programmers writing?
Form a wall! And other concerns about security
Let's take care of ourselves! Thoughts on compatibility
How to get the current entity state from events?
When not to use Event Sourcing?
Generic does not mean Simple
Structural Typing in TypeScript
When Agile is not enough
How to scale projections in the event-driven systems?
Why are senior devs afraid to code?
How to create a custom GitHub Action?
Memoization, a useful pattern for quick optimization
How using events helps in a teams' autonomy
How to enhance and configure your site search with Algolia?
Events should be as small as possible, right?
How to create projections of events for nested object structures?
How to get started with Open Source?
How to successfully do documentation without a maintenance burden?
How money in Cloud impacts Architectural decisions?
Can command return a value?
CQRS facts and myths explained
Why Partial is an extremely useful TypeScript feature?
How to set up a test matrix in XUnit?
What's the difference between a command and an event?
Saga and Process Manager - distributed processes in practice
What if I told you that Relational Databases are in fact Event Stores?
What texting your Ex has to do with Event-Driven Design?
Sociological aspects of Microservices
How (not) to cut microservices
Bring me problems, not solutions!
Outbox, Inbox patterns and delivery guarantees explained
How to (not) do the events versioning?
Optimistic concurrency for pessimistic times
Why a bank account is not the best example of Event Sourcing?
Revolution now!
Architect Manifesto
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Pragmatic about programming
Check out my content - from articles to videos
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